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For a Highly Efficient Minimal Invasive Surgery – Operating Room Staff Love It

Artemis MIS Lumbar Pedicle Screw

ARTEMIS MIS Pedicle screw fixation system provides percutaneous correction and stabilization of the spine with a minimally invasive approach from the thoracic area to the sacrum. The simplicity of the instruments and reduced number of surgical steps make this system intuitive and very easy to use. The MIS system is fully compatible with the Open ARTEMIS system. Monoaxial 360° screws enable a simple and optimal screw head adaptation to the rod which reduces the unnecessary forces on the bone and increases the rod screw connection while keeping the corrective strength of monoaxial screws.


7 Reasons for ARTEMIS MIS Lumbar Pedicle Screw System

  • For a highly efficient OR workflow – Operating Room Staff Love it
  • Minimal invasive results with a highly stable construct
  • Quadruple lead for more safety in poor quality bone
  • Reverse angle Set Screw design for strong locking
  • Simplified Monoaxial 360° Trauma screws
  • In case of hybrid or revision surgery there is compatibility between the open and the MIS systems

Minimum Equipment  – Maximum Results

Please note: Available in selected markets. Not available in Switzerland and USA.

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